Before your consultation appointment

It is very important that a few simple items have been completed.
Please take the time to read the following instructions:

General patient registration and medical history will be filled out in our office. Please bring a list of both over the counter and prescribed medications, including strengths and dosages. It would also be a good idea to include nutritional supplements (herbal, vitamin, etc.).

Before your procedure

At the time of your consultation, Dr. Butler will discuss with you any medications that he recommends for your protection.
A pre-medication is most often an antibiotic taken one hour prior to an appointment. This prevents bacteria within your mouth from spreading through your bloodstream to other parts of your body. If you have had joint replacements or qualifying vascular troubles, your physician will have informed you of this need for an “antibiotic pre-med.”

In lieu of a “pre-medication”, a week-long regimen of antibiotics might be recommended for you, depending on the procedure.​

Any of your medications to be discontinued will be verified with your prescribing physician, and our office will ensure you understand when to discontinue the medication as well as when to resume. Medications most often recommended for discontinuation during treatment are blood thinners.

Unless you will be sedated for surgery, Dr. Butler DOES want you to eat as you normally would prior to your appointment.  If you have more questions about tooth extraction, tooth pain, or gum disease in Bartlesville, OK, then contact us an we will answer your questions!

 If you will be sedated for the surgical procedure, please be sure to follow the instructions given to you at the time of consultation.

After Your Surgery



If gauze has been placed in your mouth to ensure bleeding has stopped, you may remove it when you arrive at your destination after leaving your appointment
PLEASE DO NOT SMOKE FOLLOWING SURGERY. Tobacco smoke is an irritant to healing tissue and restricts blood circulation needed for good healing. Refrain from smoking for as long as possible



Apply ice pack to your face on the treated side alternating 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off until bedtime. Sleep with your head slightly elevated using two pillows.
We ask that you refrain from strenuous physical activity the day of the surgical procedure and we prefer that you have a “light day” the first day after surgery. After the first post-surgical day, let good judgment be your guide.


Mouth Rinse

Pain medication should be taken as directed, as needed for discomfort. Ibuprofen (Advil®) alone is most often the only pain medication required. Additionally, alternating acetaminophen (Tylenol®) with ibuprofen can help control moderate pain. Should discomfort extensive discomfort persist, please call the office or Dr. Butler.
Do not rinse today. Start using a capful of the provided mouth rinse, chlorhexidine gluconate, the DAY AFTER SURGERY. This rinse should be used twice a day morning and night, but not rinse vigorously. Please separate brushing and rinsing by 30 minutes. It is very important to use the rinse to promote faster healing. Warm salt water rinses may be used following meals to remove food debris.



Some slight bleeding (pink saliva) will be experienced for the first 24 hours. If bleeding occurs, do not rinse and do not spit. Moisten a gauze pad or an unused tea bag with warm water. Place it over the area and hold firmly for 10 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
DO NOT drink through a straw FOR TWO WEEKS, but please drink plenty of water. You must eat nutritious foods in order to heal properly. See that your diet has soft, high protein foods: such as eggs, baked fish, chicken, turkey, vegetables, fruits, and soup. AVOID hard, sharp, spicy, salty, and fried or high temperature foods. We suggest that you avoid: popcorn, nuts, and seeds of any variety, pizza, candy, gum, dried fruits, peanut butter, and hot peppers.


Moderate swelling and possible discoloration is to be expected for 2-5 days. Use warm, wet compresses after the second day if there is no bleeding present

Oral Hygiene

It is important to keep your mouth clean. Brush your other teeth well, but do not brush the treated area, and continue to use chlorhexidine mouthwash to keep the treated area clean.



Please do not drink alcohol following dental surgery. Your body needs proper hydration and nutrients to heal properly. Refrain from alcohol consumption for as long as possible.
A slight fever or chills may occur. Do not worry, unless the fever persists for more than 24 hours. A persistent low-grade temperature or one above 102 degrees should be reported.
Contact Info
Office Hours:
Monday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Tuesday - Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Phone: 918-333-0990
Fax: 918-333-4181

Physical Address: 2419 Nowata Place Suite 101 Bartlesville, OK 74006